Category Capabilities

ID Verification

Our experts design and deploy technologies to enable real-time online verification of individuals' identities. Enabling the onboarding of users where there are regulatory sensitivities (e.g., AML).


Our Identity Access Management (IDAM) practitioners are experts in the design and deployment of technologies including Microsoft Azure and Okta services.


A powerful tool in protecting your sensitive information (e.g., HR records) from accidental or malicious leakage.


A powerful tool in protecting your most confidential information from theft, interception and malicious alteration.


Protecting applications from Internet-based cyber-attacks, Web Application Firewalls (WAF) form a key part of your business' security posture.


The cloud provides a large attack surface to attract cyber criminals, coupled with a highly complex and ever-changing environment and a general lack of visibility and tracking.

Content Management (Adobe)

We provide development, support, hosting and security assurance for Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) platforms. The service involves plug-in / theme development, advisory, end-to-end audit, repair, upgrades, and optimisation of AEM platforms.


Access works at the core of your digital environment, ensuring access is appropriately Authenticated, Authorised and Accounted (AAA).


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